The Carbis Bay Neighbourhood Link is planning to reach out to people in the community who are on their own on Christmas Day. The volunteers will make an extra Christmas dinner and take it to a near neighbour who they or the group has identified as needing support. The project has the backing of Volunteer Cornwall.
Jill Block, Secretary of the Community Land Trust, who is supporting the Neighbourhood Links’ Winter Wellbeing projects, says, “this is another great example of neighbourliness in action. It is especially needed at this time of year for anyone who doesn’t have family support for whatever reason. We would like to widen the net to anyone in the St Ives area who would like to offer a Christmas meal. We have also set up a dedicated mobile number for anyone who would like to request a meal on Christmas Day. They can ring 01736 791677 or 07880 436 478 or email us.
Dinky Kennedy, who organises the Carbis Bay Neighbourhood Link, says, “we all know how loneliness has affected people of all ages during the lockdown. There are many people living around us in our community for whom this is the norm. So, we are making an extra effort to support them, particularly at Christmas.
“We are also planning some carol singing, which will be led by one of our volunteers and her family in the Porthrepta Road area. We hope to raise funds for the Food Pantry and Food Bank in Carbis Bay and will be starting during the week of 7 December.
We are taking inspiration from two Bristol mums who are organising a city-wide doorstep Christmas carol sing-a-long to “bring back community spirit”.
Ruth Woodsend and Jo Waldock created Bristol Sings after being inspired by Clap for Carers earlier this year.
On December 5 they want people to sing carols on their doorsteps, in front gardens or even through their windows.
Ruth said: “We hope that everyone will come out, in line with government restrictions, and sing the same seven songs.”
They have had 5,000 booklets printed with the lyrics to seven Christmas songs and carols, so everyone will follow the same programme from 5.30 pm. A digital version of the songbook can be found on Bristol Sings Facebook page.
Please contact Dinky on 07814574438 if you would like to offer a Christmas plate or would like to join the carol singing.