Old Vicarage Flat front

Open Day at The Old Vicarage Flats

There will be a chance to support the project, look at the information and join a short tour of the building on Saturday 17th September between 10 am and 3 pm. You will need sensible footwear. 

We will be sharing this event with St Ives Archive who will be collecting memories, photographs, and so on of people who either lived in the flats or remember activities in the community rooms on the ground floor.

Please come along, volunteer your time or you can email the Archive with information.

Town Deal update

The latest news we have been told about funding for the project is that the Town deal grant will be available in November.

ITV News

St Ives CLT is featured in a program about housing and second homes. It is on ITV at 8.30 pm on Thursday 1st September. If you missed it, you can see the article on ITV, where they have a snippet of the program where Morag, our Chair features talking about our aims in providing 6 affordable homes.