Tate St Ives has a new Artist in Residence, Adam James beginning a project with the St Ives community in October. His residency follows on from Allard van Hoorn and his event ‘Another Hurling of the Silver Ball’ where the large mirror ball was paraded through the streets of St Ives. Adam James is living in Sweden and taking part in the residency remotely (due to current circumstances). Tate is painting a picture of St Ives for him digitally. They are inviting the community to make an audio recording on a phone, describing St Ives and/or the St Ives community to be passed on to him at the beginning of his residency – introducing him to St Ives (If a video recording or text is preferable to you, you can also submit in this format too). They are after a unique personal take on St Ives, rather than a ‘tourist tour’. They have already collected photos, aerial photos, maps, video cycle tours, they are after something personal to you – something you would say if you met him in person. These will be collected for the artist’s research purposes only and will not be used in the final artwork. They will be deleted at the end of the project in 2021.
Cassie from Tate St Ives would love to hear from you! It you would like to take part please email your recording (or video or text) to Cassie at cassie.penn@tate.org.uk by end of day Thursday 15th October. (If the file is large, WEtransfer is free and easy to use to send files to my email address)
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