St Ives Infant School

St Ives Infants School is located on The Burrows and is a smaller-than-average-sized school compared to other schools across England. The age group for this school is 3 – 7. 

St Ives Infant School became an academy school on 1 September 2011. When its predecessor school, of the same name, was last inspected by OFSTED, it was judged in 2018 to be good. Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage are taught in a Nursery and two Reception classes. There are two classes in each year within Key Stage 1.

At St Ives Infants we all feel privileged to support children in these formative years of their life, providing the important foundations, for their school life and beyond.

St Ives Infants have an on-site library and is a very busy hub and offers much more than a quiet area for guided individual or group reading.  It is home to teaching staff representing the Cornwall Music Service who offer the children weekly woodwind and brass lessons during the school day. Parent volunteers supervise the library each lunchtime when pupils are invited to change their home reading books on set days of the week.  The library is also used for intervention group work and provides a light, airy and relaxed atmosphere for this purpose.  

St Ives Infants also has a Breakfast Club and continues to offer a valuable service to the school’s families and is enjoyed by all children who attend. The Breakfast club is open Monday to Friday and children can arrive via the hall doors at any time from 7.45 until 8.30am. Breakfast is served in the hall then the children do different activities until the start of the school day.  The club is run by some of the school’s Teaching Assistants on a rota basis and costs £3.00 per day which can be paid in advance or on arrival.  Our Breakfast Club is free for children who are eligible for Pupil Premium (children who would have qualified for free school meals under the previous system and children who are in care or have a parent who is in the Armed Forces), or have been eligible at any point during their time in school. The school is using some of its pupil premium funding to run the club.

A junior school and an adult education centre are both located adjacent to the school but are both inspected by OFSTED separately.