Rooftops of St Ives

Second Home-Ownership Survey


Please would you spare 5 minutes to fill in this survey? It is for a research project for a Master’s student looking into the different variants of second home ownership.

This survey forms part of the research project for the studying for their Masters at Sussex University around the subject of social housing. Their research is looking to find out in greater detail the different variants of second home ownership. The purpose of this is to determine the different types of second home ownership to inform ways in which they can engage and contribute to the local community in the fairest and most meaningful ways. You will not be required to supply any of your personal details and your responses will remain anonymised. The data collected from this survey will be used primarily as part of their university project. The anonymized data will be made accessible to the local community in the future, represented in an aggregated format.


This survey takes five minutes to complete, the deadline for responses is Friday 14th May at 5 pm.

We know many second homeowners care about St Ives community, it is really important that we begin collecting data around this subject and so your engagement is massively appreciated. Communities thrive when the people living in them are happy and can afford a permanent place to live. In areas like St Ives, Cornwall, the reality is that not every local resident has access to this stability. We know that second homeownership has an impact on local accessibility to property, but we need to look more closely at the range and diversity of such ownership. It is crucial to investigate how more equitable dynamics could be created between local residents and visitors, in order to create and sustain an environment of fairness and inclusivity.